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"hang" issues PDF Print E-mail

Some jPFChat users have reported a hang without any MooTools conflicts in the template.

First... in the many cases we've investigated... be CERTAIN MooTools isn't part of the problem.  View the source of your home page.   Look for ANY reference to mootools.js.   If the library is LOADED... jPFChat won't work.    MooTools doesn't even have to be actively used to cause a problem.


The one other issue that we've seen that causes a hang is when the menu link used to access jPFChat doesn't EXACTLY match the server_script_url parameter (jpfchat config settings, advanced tab).  

The mismatch can be as simple as having the www in one and not the other.  Or, it can be even more subtle with one having an item id and the other not.

The important thing is that the server_script_url must match the menu link URL EXACTLY.

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