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Joomla 1.5 native version PDF Print E-mail

jPFChat for Joomla 1.5 has reached a brick wall in development.

The phpFreeChat script upon which jPFChat is built utilizes the "Prototype" javascript library as its javascript framework.   Joomla 1.5 incorporates the MooTools javascript library in it's native code.

These two libraries don't "play" well together, and there does not seem to be an easy fix to make them work together.

There IS a way to make the jPFChat for Joomla 1.5 work.   Actually, there are 3 ways...

  1. Use a site template that does NOT use or reference the MooTools library at all.
  2. If you've got a template that uses MooTools...  you have a choice...
    1. When you make the menu link to jPFChat in Joomla 1.5, configure it so that jPFChat opens up in a "New Window without Navigation".   This will load up jPFChat without loading up the MooTools library (on most systems).
    2. Make a copy of your template folder that uses MooTools, renaming it to something else.  Alter the "name" attribute in the XML file for this copy, for how you want it to appear in your template list.   In the copy, remove all references to the MooTools library (this requires familiarity with php, joomla functions and javascript).  In the template settings for this template copy... assign it as the template to use for the page that jPFChat appears on.

So... if you still want to use the jPFChat for Joomla 1.5 component and module... knowing these limitations... please feel free to give it a try!


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