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jPFChat15 (for Joomla 1.5 native) PDF Print E-mail

BIG NEWS.... Almost....

We've been working on a jPFChat port to Joomla 1.5 (native), and it's almost ready.  But we've run into a bit of a brick wall and have a problem getting past it.

For all the techies out there.... jPFChat uses the "Prototype" javascript library in its coding.   Joomla 1.5 incorporates the "MooTools" javascript library into its native coding.   The two libraries cannot coexist without some significant javascript errors being thrown.  And... many Joomla templates are now using MooTools for menu and page effects... which just adds to the potential conflict issues.

So... we're working our way through it.  Stay tuned... as soon as we have something workable... we'll post it here.  

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