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MySQL error

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I get this error on my frontpage:

phpFreeChat cannot be initialized, please correct these errors:

_Mysql container: create database error 'Can't create database 'My_database'; database exists'_ 

Please see:  https://jpfchat.com/index.php/faqs/operation/5-operation/20-mysql1


I have installed the newest version (2b) and changed the cache to File in the back end, but still same error !

I have tried to restart browser and think I have tried every thing !

My Error :

phpFreeChat cannot be initialized, please correct these errors:

  • _Mysql container: create database error 'Can't create database 'bartens_dk'; database exists'_

I have now changed the item to public, so you can see the error your self : http://bartens.dk



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